Sunday, 13 September 2020



                  Here, we are going to discuss some real world IOT applications such as IOT sensors, IOT data analytics, IOT tracking and monitoring system, connected health care system and finally wearables.


                 IOT sensors consists of manual or digital sensors connected to circuit boards such as Arduino UNO or Raspberry Pi2 . The circuit boards are programmed to measure a range of data collected from a sensor device such as carbon monoxide, temperature, humidity pressure, vibration and motion.

                  The IOT sensors allow seamless control of data through automation delivering actionable insights. They can be used by business for predictive maintenance, enhanced efficiency and reduced costs.


                  Data analytics is the analysis of huge data volumes generated by connected devices. Widely known companies such as Microsoft, GE, Amazon,SAP and sales force  have already started implementing IOT data analysis into their day to day processess.

                  IOT data analytics app can analyze structured, unstructured and semi structured data to extract meaningful insights and also to investigate motion data sets, geographical data and health care data.


                  Many business are using IOT systems for asset tracking. IOT  asset tracking devices use GPS or Radio frequency to track and  monitor properties. The smart devices can be used for long-range identification of assets.


                    IOT has more number of applications in health care industry. The technology can be used to provide high quality medical services using smart medical devices. It is also called as Internet of Medical Things(IOMT), the technology that can help in monitoring and supporting vital data which can help in making clinical decisions.
                    IOT medical devices can help in real time monitoring  of patients remotely. The devices can report an emergency like an asthma attack, heart failure etc.,immediately send information to a physician. This can help in potentially saving the lives of many individuals.
           IOT devices can collect health care including blood pressure, sugar level ,        oxygen and weight. Data can be stored in online and it can be accessed by the physician anytime.


                    Wearables have a explosive demand in markets all over the world. Companies like Google, Samsung have invested heavily in building such devices. They are installed with sensors and softwares which collect data and information about the users. This data is later pre-processed to extract essential insights about user.

                     These devices broadly cover fitness, health and entertainment requirements. The pre-requisite from IOT technology for wearable applications is to be highly energy , efficient or ultra low power and small sized.


Thursday, 10 September 2020



       IOT  represents the Internet of Things that describes the network of physical objects, it means "things" that are embedded with software, sensors and some other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and system over the internet.

        It can also be defined as ,it integrates the interconnectedness of human culture-our 'things' with the interconnectedness of our digital information system 'the internet'.

       The term "Internet of things" was coined by Kevin Ashton , in 1999 during his work at Procter and Gamble. He is called as the father of IOT.

       The IOT was initially most interesting to business and manufacturing, where its application is sometimes known as machine to machine , but the emphasis is now on filling our houses and offices with smart devices, transforming it into something that's relevant to almost everyone.

How it works?

       An IOT system consists of devices , sensors which 'talk' to the cloud through some kind of internet connectivity. Once the data received by the cloud ,software processes it and then might to decide to perform an action, such as sending an alert or automatically adjusting the sensor or devices without the need for the users.

      IOT devices use a variety of methods to connect and share the data . Most of them use some form of wireless connectivity:homes and offices will use Wi-Fi , Zigbee,other devices will use LTE, LTE-M etc.,

       In the next few years , one  area of growth will undoubtedly be the use of 5G networks to support IOT projects. 5G offers the ability to fit as many as one million 5G devices in a square kilometre which means , that it will be possible to use large number of sensors in a very small area , making large scale industrial IOT developments as possible.

      Today so many technologies that enable IOT. The IOT is making the fabric of the world around us more smarter and more responsive, merging the digital an physicl universes.This IOT promises to make our environment , our houses and offices and vehicles smarter and more measurable.

Sunday, 6 September 2020


            Sensors in agriculture and forestry play an important role today. Now a days , smart agriculture is increasing in this world. This can be very useful to the farmers and also to get more cultivation in crops, proper maintenance ,etc,.Here, we are going to see some basic sensors that are using in the agriculture field.


             The nutrients that we get from the plant growth is more essential for human and to the animals . By using pH sensors we get a deep knowledge about our soil conditions, how the nutrient consistency in our soil or the presence of any unwanted chemicals . These sensors are very helpful in smart agriculture to monitor daily or weekly or annually fluctuations in soil pH and nutrient values.


             In two ways, this sensor play a great role in smart agriculture, ambient condition monitoring and mechanical asset monitoring.

             Highly accurate temperature and humidity sensors, preceise predictive temperature forecasts are imperactive to the ice wine industry.


              These sensors determine latitude,longitude and attitude of any position within required area. They take help of GPS satellites for this purpose.


               This sensor is used to measure the properties of the soil. These sensors are installed on drones, satellites or robots to determine clay, organic matter and moisture contents of the soil .


              Gas sensors are important in agriculture  field for many number of applications.Commercial greenhouse control systems measure and temperature control and carbon dioxide concentration for optimal crop growth. The co2 guardian NG is designed for long term continuous measurement of co2.

               The Gascard NG sensor is widely used in pig and foultry processing applications to detect the co2  level where high concentrations of co2  are used.

                Spoilage of stored grains can be detected with gas sensor for co2 measurement .For monitoring methane emissions from agriculture and Dairy farming.


                It measures soil compaction or 'Mechanical Resistance'. The sensors use a probe that penetrates the soil and records resistive  forces through use of load cells or strain gauges.This similar technology is used on large tractors to predict pulling requirements for ground engaging equipment.


                It access moisture levels by measuring the dielectric constant (an electrical property that changes depending on the amount of moisture present)in the soil.


               It measures soil air permeability. Measurements can be made at singular locations or dynamically while in motion. The desired output is the pressure required to push a predetermined amount of air into the ground at a prescribed depth. Various types of soil properties,including compaction, structure , soil type and moisture level, procedure unique identifying signatures. 


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